
I am not cool, collected, or calm. I am weird, terrified, and unsure. But, if there's one thing I know, it's this: The world is CRAZY, life is incredibly SILLY, and I'M STUCK ON THIS ROLLER-COASTER  AND I CAN’T GET OFF! (but I'm okay with it.)

The Coincidental Irony Of Halloween.

The Coincidental Irony Of Halloween.

HALLOWEEN has always been my most favorite time of year.

It undoubtably has to do with the darkness of it all. I love creepy things, I have an odd obsession with endings, AND I have a concerning fascination with crazy people. Don't get me wrong, I love long walks on a sunny day, and stopping to smell the wildflowers. It's just the oddities of the world that play at my heart strings. Besides that, I love how fun Halloween is.. and for all age groups. (As long as you're embracing the holiday spirt, that is.)

Halloween isn't just significant in my life because it's my favorite holiday. It happens to share a date with two very important days of my life....

  {The following is a detailed description of what I know of these events, through stories from family members. Recently, my mother revealed to me that this is not exactly how she remembered it, therefore I'm not 100% sure about the truth behind it. But this is how I was always made to believe things went down.}

Halloween 1997.

I was innocently playing with my dolls at Bami's house. (Bami is my grandmother.. maybe one day I'll explain the name, but that's not what's important right now.)  It wasn't until my mother showed up to get me that I somehow (no one knows how) figured out the plan of that day. We were moving away from home, halfway across the country. I ran from my mother's arms, down the long narrow hallway, and into my bedroom at the end. I hid under the bed and refused to come out. My mom and Bami tried for a while to get me out, until finally my grandpa had to move the bed, and carry me out so that I could be put into my mom's blue 1986 firebird, headed east for South Dakota. How amazing that at the young age of three I already knew where I wanted to be. We left Bami's house in the rear view mirror, not knowing when I would ever return. (I ended up spending my summers in Washington, but that's beside the point.)

Halloween 2017.

Here I sit, and hour before Halloween, thinking about how funny it is that things have come full circle. Twenty years ago, on my favorite holiday, I left the place I have always wanted to be, for the first time. Today, as I write this, I am spending my first Halloween living in Washington since, on my bed at Bami's house, preparing to move 30 minutes away, to the town I have always wanted to live in. 

Man, I love Halloween!

A Fleeting Love Story.

A Fleeting Love Story.

Starting Life With A Face-Plant.

Starting Life With A Face-Plant.