In Weird News...
My friends and I enjoy watching "Just Kidding News" on YouTube a lot, and my roommate, James, has his own YouTube channel where he usually posts a lot of gaming content. One day he asked me to search for news articles, so we could try our own podcast that he would post on his channel. A few weeks later, we invited a few friends over, set up the mic, and I attempted shocking them with some of the strangest news I could find.
Just to throw this out there..
A) It is difficult to find interesting news, that not everyone has heard about, okay?!
B) It was my first time doing this, so I understand that I maybe wasn't the best "News Master" I could have been. I'll get better, I swear!
C) I was going for the shock effect, but It turns out I'm a pretty dark person, even more so than I initially thought.
D) Beware, my voice sounds like that of a child's. If you don't think so, please feel free to let me know, so I can feel better about it.
Check out our podcast below for some really weird news!
Shout Out to my roomie's YouTube channel, GQazndood Gaming, and for him letting me be a part of it!